Eat the veggies, and go sleep early!

Eat the veggies, and go sleep early!

A real professional

2019. június 13. - Mice Elf

It is a shame that the world doesn't support the impulsive random minority, but as Hungarians say we have to cook what we have the ingredients for. It means if the situation is given, even if we don't like it, it is better to find a way to keep staying in motion than complain about it. What I'm trying to say with this unrequested wisdom is that the later we find an accomodation the more we gotta pay. So I wanted to start the booking ASAP. Before started the booking it was kinda useful to plan where I was gonna go. The European part of the travel outlined quite early. But I didn't really know shit about China. I had a quick check on Real Russia: 90 days visa. Brilliant. I remembered 30 days, but 90 is better. "Maybe I could stay till the end of summer." - I thought. When I checked the accommodation on Airbnb and I realized that I could get a private room for £120/months I quickly fall to the idea of not wasting a single day of the visa and actually stay 3 months in China. My main destination is Xiamen where my father's from and where I'd like to spend the most of that three months. Few days in Shanghai than two and a half months in Xiamen than train travel through China to Ürümqi the closest airport to Europe and fly home. "Simple plan, nothing crazy. Not taking chances, just play safe." - I thought and started to book everything.

For the flights I used, after setting a few filters up it shows the direct flights from places we searched for. Ürümqi-Moscow was the best budget. At that point I had to make sure that my next flight departs from the same airport where I arrive to, from Ürümqi otherwise I'd need a transfer visa to Russia. Like a true professional also paid attention to this one. Moscow DME airport to Vienna.
So I know when I arrive to China and when I leave. Never liked to work or plan something chronologically.

Next I booked my Xiamen accommodation on Airbnb. I did it cus it was easier to plan around my Xiamen staying than plan my Xiamen staying around other things. I booked a private room in a flat for 9 weeks. It was just perfect for my ideas. Just opened China's map on a new tab and randomly started to plan where I'd go. I was gonna cover as much of China as possible:
From Xiamen to Hongkong. Idk I'm not that much into Hongkong but once I took an online test that suggested Hongkong as my perfect place to live at. I'd give it a shot. From Hongkong to Guangzhou, I can't remember what exactly I was thinking of when I decided to go to Guangzhou, but it somehow stuck on my must visit list so now I just decided to visit the adventure park and do the crazy ass roller coasters. From there I'd go to Chengdu for the panda breeding research center. They also got a panda zoo, but it sounds less interesting. Note that I don't even like pandas. At this point I started to realise that I'm a horrible tourist. So I filled the remaining one week with random towns... Xining, Zhangye, Turpan, Ürümqi.

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